The Southern Link Road: A tale of destruction and hope
Neil Ross and his rescue dog, stand in front of Hawton Road’s ugly wasteland of mud, broken tree stumps, and ripped-out hedgerows. Standing for Newark and Sherwood District Council (Devon), Neil feels we must hold Newark and Sherwood District Council accountable for delivering on their promises for the Southern Link Road project.
The once-beautiful fields of Hawton Road, part of Devon Ward, were alive with colourful flowers and buzzing insects, beckoning walkers with its footpaths and bridleways, leading to the ancient church of Hawton. It was a place where people and their dogs would wander and explore.
But now, it's an ugly wasteland of mud, industrial equipment, broken tree stumps, and ripped-out hedgerows. Stables and horses have been replaced by industrial units and trucks. An area that was once loved by many has been devastated, and it's painful to see, especially at this time of year.
This unwanted change is "for our benefit” - the multi-million pound Southern Link Road, with its associated infrastructure, promises to bring accessible green spaces and relieve traffic congestion in Newark. It's a project that we need to hold Newark and Sherwood District Council, its contractors, and the Central Government accountable for delivering on their promises.
We must make sure we see the benefits as soon as possible. It is vital that these include some restoration of the current environmental damage and the re-establishment of rights of way for walkers and cyclists. We cannot afford to let this project become another two-decade Robin Hood Hotel fiasco. Forgiveness will be in very short supply, and the people of Newark will not be fooled again.
If elected as your Devon Ward Councillor, I will carry this knowledge and keep challenging the council until this mess is cleared up and turned into a benefit for the people of Newark. The past cannot be undone, but the future can be brighter if we work together to make it so.